© 2018 Lauren K Davis / Feinknopf Photography
Akron, Akron Ohio, Architectural Photographer, Architectural Photography, Architecture Photographer, Architecture Photography, Associate Photographer, Cummings Center for the History of Psychology, Davis, Feinknopf, Feinknopf Photography, Interior, Internationally Recognized Architectural Photographer, Internationally recognized Architectural photography studio, Lauren, Lauren Davis, Lauren K Davis, Lauren K Davis Associate Photographer, Men, Museums, National Architectural Photographer, National Museum of Psychology, National Psychology Museum, Northeastern Ohio, Ohio, ROTO, Smithsonian Affiliate, Smithsonian Institute Affiliate Museum, The National Museum of Psychology at the University of Akron, UA, University of Akron, Women, architecture, displays, exhibit designers, gender, hard wood floors, hardwood floors, interactive area, interactive exhibits, interiors, learning area, museum, museum exhibit, patrons, sexuality, students