© 2019 Feinknopf Photography / Brad Feinknopf
2019, Architectural Photographer, Architectural Photography, Architecture Photography, Brad, Brad Feinknopf, CMA, Columbus, Columbus Museum of Art, DSH@CMA, Decorators’ Show House, Decorators’ Show Houses, Design, Feinknopf, Feinknopf Photography, Internationally Recognized, Internationally Recognized Architectural Photographer, Museum’s collection, National Architectural Photographer, Ohio, Photographer, The Columbus Museum of Art Women’s Board, abbey road bus decor, abbey road bus room, antique furniture pieces, architecture, big ben wall art decal, british bear decor, crown decor, decor, decorating, english flag carpet, gallery space, inspiration, interior design, interiors, living space, local designers, london theme, london theme book, london theme decor, london theme decoration, melinda elliott, red telephone booth, repurposed spaces, residence, special events, tea cup set, telephone booth, underground wall art, unique venue