
Franklin County Hall of Justice | Schooley Caldwell Associates & Corna-Kokosing
© feinknopf Photography
Architectural Photographer, Architectural Photography, Architecture Photographer, Architecture Photography, Brad, Brad Feinknopf, Columbus, Columbus Ohio, Corna Construction, Corna-Kokosing, County Government, Feinknopf, Feinknopf Photography, Franklin County, Franklin County Government Center Hall of Justice, Franklin County Hall of Justice, Government Center, HOJ, HVAC, Hall of Justice, Hall of Justice Renovation, Interior, Internationally Recognized Architectural Photographer, KS, KS Artist Rep, Katie Swanson, Katie Swanson Artist Representative, Local, Mechanical Room, Moody Nolan, National Architectural Photographer, Ohio, Photographer, Represented by KS Artist Rep, Represented by Katie Swanson, Represented by Katie Swanson artist representative, Restoration, Schooley Caldwell Associates, civic center, civic office building, gov't, govt, interiors, justice center, movement building, rehabilitation